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MAHLE opens its worldwide first manufacturing site for e-compressors in Balassagyarmat, Hungary |
31-10-2018 |
car industry |
MAHLE Compressors Hungary Ltd |
MAHLE and PeppeR PR |
Worldwide first e-compressor production at MAHLE
E-compressors make the air conditioning system independent of the combustion engine
Already several customer orders at hand
Strong commitment to Hungary
Organic development on HR market is not enough any more |
12-09-2016 |
HR services |
JobGroup |
PeppeR PR |
In October, 2016 two important HR market players will merge. 2 billion turnover JobGroup - Job, BrandJob and RehabJob will merge with pharmaceutical focused HR company to make use of synergy of similar companies in Hungary. |
Employee is the missing raw-material |
02-06-2016 |
HR services |
JobGroup |
PeppeR PR |
Employee recruitment problem is the main problem for companies which is a new obstacle for development. The new human factor problem makes HR more important unit of the companies - says László Hadi, employment branding managing director of BrandJob, JobGroup. |
Changes in disabled people working cchances |
19-04-2016 |
HR services |
Rehabjob |
PeppeR PR |
More and more qualified jobs with English knowledge are offered to disabled people in Hungary. Tax legislation changes may help to increase the number of disabled people in work though they have some obstacles in that system says RehabJob. Sensitization program of "Sorsváltó" can help understand disabled people life and problems. |
We need to learn each other language |
17-03-2016 |
HR services |
JobGroup |
PeppeR PR |
More and more companies can not find the desired employee and not only in IT and engineering sector but many more fileds are lacking workforce. There is a need of new strategy from companies as well as those who want to have a new job. |
One can change and can be changed at the same time |
01-03-2016 |
HR services |
Flow |
PeppeR PR |
5th Flow Leadership Conference will be held in Budapest on 7th of April,2016. About 300 participants are to find the best way how to manage an organisation in the recent always changing economic situation. The conference deals with new focuses and new methods. |
Mis-communication between companies and candidates |
24-02-2016 |
HR services |
JobGroup |
PeppeR PR |
There is a great obstacle to increase the SSC employee numbers as there is a lack of enough potential employee with more languages knowledge on the market. Due to Hungarian Outsourcing Association's study last October 10 % is the expectation of SSC companies in Hungary for 2016 to increase their employee numbers. |
Structural change at leading Hungarian organizational development company group |
21-01-2016 |
HR services |
Flow |
PeppeR PR |
7 companies of Flow Group will merge to Flow Hungary while Human Telex Consulting will keep its brand individually. Flow Hungary focuses on organizational development and change management while HTC emphasizes facility development and trainigs. |
Having a baby does not mean quiting the job |
18-01-2016 |
HR services |
Rehabjob |
PeppeR PR |
RehabJob new program for companies as well as for those parents who want to return to work after maternity leave. RehabJob list for important factors to be considered. |
Climate change on job market |
14-12-2015 |
HR services |
JobGroup |
PeppeR PR |
New era of King of Jobs has started - those who are very much needed on the job market can choose among job offers how they want, many times they are behind the curtain and follow the job market trends in silent. People in need must be focused and involved in the job market. |
Disabled people in dead end |
25-11-2015 |
HR services |
Rehabjob |
PeppeR PR |
The original state subsidy aimed to help disabled people to go back to open employee market.Though protected emplyment led to the situation where disabled people are far to shy to face the open employment market and remain trapped in their not favourable protected working places. |
More people get job tips form social media |
02-11-2015 |
HR services |
BrandJob |
PeppeR PR |
Social media is one kind of key to the job market but one needs to use it carefully |
Passive job seekers must be activated |
14-10-2015 |
HR services |
BrandJob |
PeppeR PR |
It is getting more difficult to find employees for precise positions. Increasing role of social media is inevitable today. |
100% mobility by Zebra |
15-06-2015 |
IT |
Zebra Technologies |
PeppeR PR |
Zrebra presented its new Mobility DNA concept in middle of May, 2015. With this concept, new softwares and 2 new poducts, Zebra Technologies offers even more effective system for its Zebra mobile gadgets users. |
Appearance is not enough |
10-06-2015 |
HR services |
JobGroup |
PeppeR PR |
In summer more job applicants have not received any answer for their CV why they easily blame company HR specialists. With certain knowledge it can be avoided that one's CV would be dropped into garbage. 7 ideas to write a proper CV. |
IoT in health care |
25-05-2015 |
IT |
Zebra Technologies |
PeppeR PR |
Forrester Consulting conducted an IT research in hospitals in the US how open they are for IoT, for a better patient service to carry out. Zebra Technologies believe with IoT in hospitals curing as well as operational process can be optimized and improved significantly. |
Our success is if we do not have to work |
21-05-2015 |
HR services |
Rehabjob |
PeppeR PR |
Sensibility of the society is low as well as the companies' attitude in the sense. There is a great need for senzitisation of everyone and not only those who meet or work with disabled people or with minorities, RehabJob offers 2 new services. |
In secret many women wants new job |
14-05-2015 |
HR services |
Jobline |
PeppeR PR |
Jobline Woman Career Day will be held the second time in May, 2015. The aim is to overcome of the obstacles generated by a men oriented society and more women should be ready to go for their career. Lectures, personal discussions, job offers, practical consultation are offered for those who seek for new challenges and jobs. |
Less candidate and behave differently |
27-04-2015 |
HR services |
Rehabjob |
PeppeR PR |
More needs for employees gives a great challenge for HR specialists as there are more and more people gets a job abroad for longer time and it is expected to continue till 2017. That is why so important to find a good candidate and keep it in the job, where the social media plays very important role. |
Still a long way to corporate competitiveness in Central Eastern Europe |
21-04-2015 |
HR services |
Target |
PeppeR PR |
Expats criticise bureaucracy, corruption and lack of customer focus
25 years after the change in regime, critical corporate issues still stop companies in the Central Eastern European region from becoming more competitive. A recent pan-regional survey of foreign senior managers makes clear that still a lot needs to be done in terms of decreasing bureaucracy, eliminating corruption, focusing on customer service and taking more managerial responsibility. The study, commissioned by TARGET Executive Search and conducted by GfK and CEU Business School, highlights significant strengths in the hard work ethos of local management, attitude of women workforce and the strong interpersonal skills. However, to become more competitive, in many respects the region still has to live up to its promise.
Lack of graduate expert can make harm every fifth of companies |
09-04-2015 |
HR services |
HVG HR Center |
PeppeR PR |
On behalf of HVG HR Center GVI and Aon Hewitt conducted a reaserch on medium and small companies's graduated employee needs. Lack of graduated professionals on many fields, sustenance with young job seekers and lack of company strategies charactaris companies in many cases, says the research. More information about the outcome of the research is available. |
Few candidates for jobs |
18-03-2015 |
HR services |
JobGroup |
PeppeR PR |
Year by year less candidates apply for jobs, only one fifth of candidates are registered for a general job compared to 5 years earlier datas. Economy stagnation, less attractive company power, alternative job seeking methods, work placement abroad and drying up labour market are all factors behind this labour market tendency. Less applicant can also pull back the development of companies. |
Office can not be changed at the beginning |
18-02-2015 |
HR services |
Rehabjob |
PeppeR PR |
Employing disabled people should not mean to change the office but modify doors and purchase special table. Most important to clear mental obstacle in a work place. RehabJob has made a summary of its company sensitization programs and their outcomes carried out in 2014. |
Cost of luring employee van be cut by half |
21-01-2015 |
HR services |
JobGroup |
PeppeR PR |
New period might start on recruitment and integration of labor market. Jobgoup make a synergy out of employee branding, recruitment and special employee needs.It can help to solve the problem of employment. |
Orbis becomes Accor’s management platform for Central Europe in over EUR 142 million deal |
08-01-2015 |
hotels |
Orbis Hotel Group |
PeppeR PR |
Orbis, the leading hotel group in Poland, signed with its strategic shareholder Accor the agreement on taking over of 46 hotels in Central Europe and concluded Master License Agreement. Thanks to this transaction Orbis strengthened its position as the leader of hospitality industry in Central Europe and became the sole licensor of all Accor brands in 16 countries of the region. The total price for the deal amounted to 142.3 million euros. |
Who will be the winner in 2015? |
15-12-2014 |
HR services |
JobGroup |
PeppeR PR |
According to Euronews Europe digital economy develops seven times faster than any other economy branch but there are nine hundred thousand IT empty jobs. Situation is similar in Hungary. JobGroup believes without language and IT knowledge there is no chance to find a job. |
What can we expect for 2015? |
11-12-2014 |
finance |
Admiral Markets |
PeppeR PR |
Busy life for 2014 on stock exchange and foreign exchange market
There was a vast capital investment rush in Europe though with huge waves of interests. By the end of the year the investors looked at Europe with new optimism. As far as Hungary is concerned the investment possibilities are worsened by instable regulation systems and increasing state role and control over the economy. |
Foreign exchange loan story can continue |
24-11-2014 |
finance |
Admiral Markets |
PeppeR PR |
People with foreign exchange loan can not be happy due to weakening HUF. Loss of banks wiil increase due to fair bank regulations and interest rate moratorium. These can make the settlement of foreign exchange loan problem doubtful. |
Turning point of employment of disabled people |
18-11-2014 |
HR services |
Rehabjob |
PeppeR PR |
18 % of disabled people had job in Hungary in 2012 which is far behind the European statistics. 64 thousands jobs are not fulfilled with disabled people but rehabilitation tax is paid to the state intead. Job wants to create fashion with disabled employement. |
Recommendation is the cheapest recruting method |
03-11-2014 |
HR services |
BrandJob |
PeppeR PR |
According to TMP Worldwide company branding is a complex thing, recruitment, candidate selection, employment must be studied and measured together to analyze its branding and its effectivity. Brandjob believes a company needs to be attractive rather to its target group than generally to the public. |
Strategy change by Admiral Markets |
09-10-2014 |
finance |
Admiral Markets |
PeppeR PR |
Due to lowering interest rates many people are looking for investment possibilities. This is why Admiral Markets has widened its portfolio with less speculative investments to offer to its customers. |
More young people are seeking for jobs on mobiles |
18-09-2014 |
HR services |
Jobline |
PeppeR PR |
Hungarians do not like commute for their jobs. To browse in geographically fixed job ads is welcome by job seekers. This is the reason why 60.000 visitors saw Jobline mobile job site in one month meaning 3 times higher visitirs for the site. |
10 times turnover increase in 6 weeks |
17-09-2014 |
HR services |
JobGroup |
PeppeR PR |
Job advertisements need to be renewed. The changes in recruitment and HR are not reflected in job ads. JobGroups created the new generation job ads to follow the needs of time. |
Next year we can pay 250 HUF for 1 USD |
10-09-2014 |
finance |
Admiral Markets |
PeppeR PR |
According to few months tendency we can expect 250 HUF / 1 USD exchange rate in 2015 which makes greagt impact on the economy. This rate reflects low interest rate in Hungary, strong USD and geopolotical conflict in Ukraine and Russia. |
Complete reception is lended |
25-08-2014 |
HR services |
JobGroup |
PeppeR PR |
There is a dynamic increase in labor hiring. Labor hiring is a clue to solve the problem between hiring stop and need for increasing labor force by companies. Companies are holding back their investments though they would be happy to take the opportunity of a more vivid economy.
Jobgroup offers a "Try and Hire" system to its customers. |
Slating teeth, slating sails |
25-07-2014 |
finance |
Admiral Markets |
PeppeR PR |
Sailing and trading can be both learned from the Blue Ribbon category winners
This year's Blue Ribbon - Audi Grand Prix was attended by 522 yachts. The TEAM Admiral Markets - Avatar finished in the absolute 10th position, while it won its own category of the traditional monohull yachts. Amid stormy winds and demanding conditions, the yacht has been led by its builder, Géza Soponyai, and sponsored by the online trading Admiral Markets, finished the race with success.
Gas? |
23-07-2014 |
finance |
Admiral Markets |
PeppeR PR |
Russian - Ukraine conflict, European energy dependence, EU possible sanctions - these question are crucial for Hungary. |
Bad choise to stop looking for job in summer |
10-07-2014 |
HR services |
JobGroup |
PeppeR PR |
Summer sunshine or silence before storm? |
24-06-2014 |
finance |
Admiral Markets |
PeppeR PR |
Sell in May and go away - posy for online foreign currency exchange. High peaks on stock exchange are against the normal summer tradition. Russian- Ukraine and Irakian confilcts have not given too much effects on stock exchange so far. |
Companies should pay for performance and not for disability |
20-06-2014 |
HR services |
Rehabjob |
PeppeR PR |
Change of destiny program by RehabJob on family days |
13-06-2014 |
HR services |
Rehabjob |
PeppeR PR |
Coordination of work and private life can be taught |
11-06-2014 |
HR services |
Jobline |
PeppeR PR |
Regional changes are the real risks of Hungarian forint |
29-05-2014 |
finance |
Admiral Markets |
PeppeR PR |
Regional factors are dominating the Hungarian currency. Hungary is a puffer zone between eurozone and Russia. Hungarian financial market is extremely sensitive to any conflict or change of this region. |
Females disadvantage in wages and opportunities |
15-05-2014 |
HR services |
Jobline |
PeppeR PR |
Jobline.hu reserach has been carried out by 800 women to find out their obstacles, if there are still any, in their carrier. |
Carrier company sites test by BrandJob |
24-04-2014 |
HR services |
BrandJob |
PeppeR PR |
BrandJob has tested 15 company carrier sites in order to find out which one suit the company strategy. BrandJob has chosen 2 main factors for testing: professional criteria for a carrier site and how impressive these sites are for the ones who want to take the job. |
Only targeted language study will be successful |
16-04-2014 |
HR services |
Jobline |
PeppeR PR |
Jobline.hu has carried out a reasearch among 2300 about language knowledge and using languages at work places and the self initiative to learn a second widely used European language. |
Profit gap widening can cause HUF weakening |
04-04-2014 |
finance |
Admiral Markets |
PeppeR PR |
The gap between interest rates of Hungarian state bonds and bonds of developed countries can be widened and cause HUF weakening. Further increase of the US and Western-European financial markets profitability and low interest rates of Hungarian bonds can lead to the situation where the Hungarain bonds will not be so attractive any morre and can push to modify the Hungarian central interest rate policy. |
Job import by Job |
01-04-2014 |
HR services |
JobGroup |
PeppeR PR |
More jobs are dedicated to be settled in Hungary, done in other countries earlier. In order to operate a sufficient SSC there are more HR challanges which must be solved though these new jobs means great chances for different geneartions in Hungary. |
Unique health care mobile app by Doktor24 |
11-03-2014 |
healthcare |
Doktor24 |
PeppeR PR |
New health care mobile app is introduced on the Hungarian market by Doktor24 - fast doctor finder and time request system, Pharmacy finder, interactive symptom search, health care to do, intelligent medicine handling - the most important features of the new mobile app. |
Job handles covered jobs, too |
18-02-2014 |
HR services |
JobGroup |
PeppeR PR |
Job increased its turnover by 50 % in one year time. Job company is focusing on middle and senior management job seeking as each company has to reach the very best leaders. |
JobGroup hopes to continue last year trend |
20-01-2014 |
HR services |
JobGroup |
PeppeR PR |
Some areas of workforce have become dry
JobGroup believes in good trend will continue. Company group reached over 1,1 billion HUF turnover and concentrates on an increasing high quality job placement market and helps in integration of disabled people workplacement. |
Much easier to recruit a financial director than an assistant to a CEO |
16-12-2013 |
HR services |
JobGroup |
PeppeR PR |
Hungarian owned HR service provider, JobGroup is expecting to close another successful year. Following a turnover of over 1 billion forints in 2012, the company managed to grow its revenue further and consolidate its market position in 2013. "We have a dynamic year behind us" - comments Attila Dobár, managing partner of JobGroup. "We expected revitalisation of the workforce market as well as the fast expansion of mobile and digital technologies in recruitment and employer brand building alike. Also, we anticipated a growing number of people with disabilities appearing on the job market. During the year, most of our expectations have become true." - sums up Dobár.
Over a thousand visitors attend job fair for people with disabilities |
04-12-2013 |
non-profit |
Hungarian Business Leaders Forum |
PeppeR PR |
Positions ranging from warehouse assistant to legal director have all been filled at the special job fair of the Hungarian Business Leaders Forum. With hundreds of open positions, huge interest, an outstanding number of qualified applicants and fully packed specialised workshops the first "Find your Place" job fair turned a tremendous success. |
Shared service centers also need employer branding |
26-11-2013 |
HR services |
JobGroup |
PeppeR PR |
Shared service centers in Hungary face a strange situation: in spite of offering high quality work, outstanding working conditions and attractive packages, they have difficulties in attracting people with the right qualifications. Currently these companies employ over 25.000 people but to step further they need to build their brand consistently. "Talking to the candidates we hear about a number of fears." - explains László Hadi, managing director of BrandJob, the employer brand arm of JobGroup. "Some of them worry about monotony, others are afraid of being the whole day in front of the screen or on the phone. Again, others voice their concerns of lacking perspective in such a job. All in all, most of the stories simply refer to lack of proper information" - claims Hadi.
JobGroup sells call center company |
22-10-2013 |
HR services |
JobGroup |
PeppeR PR |
Leading HR service provider JobGroup decided to sell its call center company, Tele-Scope to Comforce, a leading supplier of cloud based customer center services. "Our decision has been made following thorough considerations. We believe Tele-Scope will be in the best hands with a specialist service provider while our group can focus on strategic HR areas of growth...." - explained Attila Dobár, managing partner of JobGroup. |
New Z-Band® UltraSoft wristbands |
02-05-2013 |
IT |
Zebra Technologies |
PeppeR PR |
New Z-Band® UltraSoft wristbands
Following many months of research and development, we are delighted to announce the launch of our new Z-Band® UltraSoft wristbands, the softest direct thermal wristbands on the market.
Zebra Technologies Expands Portfolio With Smart Mobile Printer That Simplifies Interoperability |
19-04-2013 |
IT |
Zebra Technologies |
PeppeR PR |
Bourne End, UK. April 9, 2013 - Zebra Technologies Corporation (NASDAQ: ZBRA), a recognised global leader in solutions that extend real-time visibility into business operations, today announced the release of the QLn420 wireless mobile printer. Developed to respond to evolving customer needs for better integration capabilities into current business ecosystems and other demands, the reliable and durable printer allows users to quickly and accurately address label-printing needs to achieve increased productivity and efficiency in warehousing, shipping and receiving and merchandising applications. The QLn420 is one of the first products Zebra is releasing in 2013 that is enabled with Zebra's Link-OS™ operating system for faster and easier printer integration, set up and management. |
Zebra Technologies Introduces the GT800, the Dependable and High Performing Thermal Printer |
11-04-2013 |
IT |
Zebra Technologies |
PeppeR PR |
The first 300 metre thermal transfer desktop Printer produced by Zebra, designed for organisations in healthcare, retail, manufacturing, security and logistics
Bourne End, UK, 09 April 2013 – Zebra Technologies Corporation (NASDAQ: ZBRA), a recognised global leader in specialty printing and automatic identification solutions, has announced the release of the GT800 printer. This newest introduction to Zebra's broad line of desktop printers provides economical, dependable and high performance printing. The easy to use printer is built for fast, reliable and efficient printing in a wide range of industries, including the healthcare, manufacturing, retail, security and supply chain sectors.
Zebra Technologies Introduces High Performance ZXP Series 7 Card Printer |
06-03-2013 |
IT |
Zebra Technologies |
PeppeR PR |
New Printer Delivers Increased Security and Productivity for Organisations in Government, Enterprise, Education and Service Bureaus
Bourne End, UK, XX February 2013 - Zebra Technologies Corporation (NASDAQ: ZBRA), a recognised global leader in solutions that extend real-time visibility into business operations, announced today the addition of the ZXP Series 7 to its portfolio of card printers. Using the latest in Zebra card printing technology and new features, the printer offers increased productivity, adaptability and cost efficiency. The ZXP Series 7 is ideal for customers that require high quality and secure card printing, such as government and enterprise, and high-volume applications including education and service bureaus.
Zebra Technologies Adds "Made for iPhone®" Certified Printers to Robust Mobile Printer Portfolio |
22-02-2013 |
IT |
Zebra Technologies |
PeppeR PR |
Bourne End, UK. 21 February 2013 - Zebra Technologies Corporation (NASDAQ: ZBRA), a recognised global leader in solutions that extend real-time visibility into business operations, announced today the addition of iMZ220™ and iMZ320™ to its portfolio of mobile printers. A growing trend for organisations in industries such as retail and hospitality is to use mobile point of sale (POS) solutions to provide a more streamlined customer experience and make transactions more efficient, all to increase customer satisfaction and improve the retailer’s productivity. "Made for iPod®/iPhone®/iPad®" certified, the iMZ products can print payment receipts, tickets, proof of delivery, invoices and other documentation from Apple® devices. In addition to supporting Apple's platform, the iMZ printers support the other leading smartphone and tablet platforms including Android™, Windows® Mobile and Blackberry. |
Zebra Technologies Introduces Printer for the Toughest Manufacturing and Logistics Environments |
14-02-2013 |
IT |
Zebra Technologies |
PeppeR PR |
The all metal constructed 105SLPlus with multiple connectivity built for continuous operation
Bourne End, UK, 13 February 2013 – Zebra Technologies Corporation (NASDAQ: ZBRA), a recognised global leader in technologies that extend real-time visibility into business operations, has announced the release of the 105SLPlus printer. This newest introduction to Zebra's broad line of industrial printers provides economical, dependable, high performance printing, and is built for continuous operation, with exactly the features needed for fast, reliable cost-effective printing in the manufacturing and transport and logistics environment.
Zebra Technologies Offers New Printer Series |
01-06-2012 |
IT |
Zebra Technologies |
PeppeR |
Zebra Technologies Corporation, a recognised global leader in technologies that extend real-time visibility into business operations, today announced the release of the ZT200 printer series, a new line of printers intended for light industrial and commercial applications. The new series offers advanced printer integration capabilities and complete device management. |
TomTom launches an extra-large 6" screen on the new Start 60 |
30-05-2012 |
IT |
Zebra Technologies |
PeppeR |
Today sees the release of the TomTom Start 60, which features the biggest screen of all TomTom's portable navigation devices. The 6" sharp screen, big buttons and menus enhance the driving experience by making it easier and safer for users. |
Zebra Technologies Corporation’s ZebraLink Enterprise Connector Achieves Oracle Validated Integration with Oracle Retail |
03-05-2012 |
IT |
Zebra Technologies |
PeppeR |
Zebra Technologies Corporation (NASDAQ: ZBRA), a recognized global leader in technologies that extend real-time visibility into business operations, and a Gold level member of Oracle® PartnerNetwork (OPN), today announced it has achieved Oracle Validated Integration of its ZebraLink Enterprise Connector, one component of the Zebra bar code printing solution, with Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management and Oracle Retail Warehouse Management System 13.2. |
West Cheshire College First to Use Location Technology to Increase Visibility of Students |
11-04-2012 |
IT |
Zebra Technologies |
PeppeR |
College Uses Zebra Technologies location technology to manage student attendance and building recourses
Zebra Technologies Corporation (NASDAQ: ZBRA), a recognized global leader in technologies that extend real-time visibility, today announced that West Cheshire College, a leading vocational college, has successfully implemented Zebra’s real time location tracking solution with the ability to track and increase the visibility of 20,000 students across its two campuses.
Zebra Technologies Unveils QLn220 Mobile Printer to Meet New Global Market and Application Needs |
16-01-2012 |
IT |
Zebra Technologies |
PeppeR |
QLn™ Mobile Printer Family First to Provide Printing Capabilities in Multiple Languages
Zebra Technologies Corporation (NASDAQ: ZBRA), a recognised global leader in enabling technologies that extend visibility into operations, today announced the release of the QLn220 mobile printer, a new addition to its QLn™ mobile printer family unveiled in June 2011. With the industry’s broadest portfolio of printing products, Zebra’s new offering prints 2-inch labels to meet specific market and application needs where a smaller format is preferred – For example: for mobile healthcare applications including bedside specimen labelling and bedside medication administration as well as retail applications such as shelf-edge, price and return labelling.
Price marking costs could be reduced by up to 40% |
14-12-2011 |
IT |
Zebra Technologies |
PeppeR |
Winter sales are approaching while the Christmas season is on
According to a leading provider of retail pricing and inventory management software company, SofTechnics, stores, on average, reduce their price marking costs between 25 and 40 percent if they integrate a price management software with mobile computing and printing operations. By today, re-pricing products in the store has evolved from simply being a reaction to purchasing mistakes, to a strategic tool that retailers apply to increase traffic and sales. Price changes are often required for regional pricing or other variable pricing strategies, promotional markdowns, clearance, seasonal sales, or product mix changes. All this is especially important in the Christmas period and the winter sales.
Zebra Technologies Extends Partner Training Investment |
19-10-2011 |
IT |
Zebra Technologies |
PeppeR |
Partners First Offers New Training Portal Modules and Training Team Addition
Zebra Technologies Corporation (NASDAQ: ZBRA) today announced an extension to its Partners First offering with the addition of a new online training module to its partner portal and the appointment of an additional training team member.
OBI KÖKI Terminál store opens tomorrow |
13-10-2011 |
commerce |
PeppeR |
Flagship store reinforces market leader OBI
Easy access, facilitating shopping through wide choice of products and services: these are the main characteristics of the latest OBI store. The 2 level new store, located at the north-east part of the KÖKI Terminál complex, and boasting of a total surface of about 14.000 m2, may soon become the favourite home improvement store of all customers in the surrounding. This is not at last thanks to the competitive prices due to the market leading position, the product offering covering over 40.000 items and highly trained and motivated colleagues who are coming from Tálas store as well as qualified new employees. A proud feature of the store is the garden area, one of the largest of its kind in Hungary, and which welcomes the visitors with a festive atmosphere.
Zebra Technologies Introduces Next Generation QLn320™ Mobile Printer for Retail and Healthcare Industries |
22-06-2011 |
IT |
Zebra Technologies |
PeppeR |
Industry-first Ethernet device management and Zebra-exclusive smart battery technology enable customers to reduce operational expenses and improve efficiencies
Zebra Technologies Corporation (NASDAQ: ZBRA), a recognised global leader in bar code, kiosk, card and RFID printing as well as real-time location solutions, today announced the release of its new QLn 320™ mobile printer.
Zebra Technologies Announces Immediate Availability of ZXP Series 3 Card Printer in EMEA |
26-05-2011 |
IT |
Zebra Technologies |
PeppeR |
Products deliver enhanced secure card encryption, new card design software
Zebra Technologies Corporation (NASDAQ: ZBRA), announces the immediate availability of ZXP Series 3™ card printer to the EMEA market.
Zebra Technologies Introduces Z-Band Fun® and Z-Band Splash® Wristbands |
29-03-2011 |
IT |
Zebra Technologies |
PeppeR |
Economical wristbands for single day use and durable, water-resistant wristbands for multiple day use.
Zebra Technologies Corporation (Nasdaq: ZBRA), a global leader in specialty printing and automatic identification solutions, announced the immediate availability of the Z-Band® Fun and Z-Band® Splash wristbands. The economical bar coded wristband solutions are ideal for amusement, theme and water parks, sporting events and concerts. The wristbands which are available in a range of vibrant colours promise to create a splash in the hospitality, amusement and attraction market.
Zebra’s latest RXi4 RFID Printer/Encoder Provides for Advanced Item-Level Tagging from Supply Chain to Retail Floor |
15-03-2011 |
IT |
Zebra Technologies |
PeppeR |
New RFID printing/encoding technology responds to market demand for a rugged high performance printer that reduces media costs, creates efficiencies
Zebra Technologies Europe today announced the availability of its first high performance RFID printer/encoder designed to address the growing RFID market for high-volume item-level tagging. The R110Xi4 aims to streamline business improvement and supply-chain management applications such as item-level tracking, asset tracking, inventory management and more across retail, manufacturing, healthcare and distribution channels.
Convenience and environmental awareness are the key aspects of the latest OBI store |
28-02-2011 |
commerce |
PeppeR |
According to the plans OBI will open its so far most confortable store in the framework of the KÖKI Terminal project. The surface of the new, 2 storey building, located on the border of Kőbánya and Kispest will exceed 11.000 m2 and will therefore be of similar size as the Budapest stores in Albertfalva, Soroksári and Fogarasi streets. Thanks to the direct underground, rail, local and distance bus connection as well as the underground parking possibility the store will have the most convenient access for both those with public transport or their own car. |
Zebra Technologies Launches Global Partner Programme for |
17-02-2011 |
IT |
Zebra Technologies |
PeppeR |
New programme creates a collaborative environment for ISVs, channel partners to foster development of innovative solutions
Zebra Technologies Corporation (NASDAQ: ZBRA) today announced the launch of its Independent Software Vendor (ISV) Partner Programme, designed to foster stronger and more innovative partnerships between Zebra and the ISV partner community. As an element of Zebra’s channel development strategy, the ISV programme highlights the importance Zebra places on the ISV’s role in developing new technology solutions.
This year’s beaver classes finish tomorrow |
16-02-2011 |
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2300 pupils participated in this year’s program of OBI and WWF
This year’s last beaver class will take place tomorrow. The "school year" of OBI Hungary and WWF Hungary started the 11 January in Gyöngyös and comes to an end the 16 February in Sopron. In the course of 5 weeks 2600 primary school students learn about the beaver, the largest rodent in Europe, which means that by now well over 20.000 children can boast about having met the beaver. Store visitors are also free to join the classes. The 45 minutes interactive environmental classes are held by the experts of WWF, in 20 OBI stores of 19 cities.
Beavers move from Gyöngyös to Sopron |
10-01-2011 |
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Beaver classes of OBI and WWF held in 19 cities
The 11th January OBI Hungary Retail Kft. and WWF Hungary launch again their successful and recently CSR prize awarded beaver class program series. This year’s classes allow over 2600 primary school students from 19 cities to learn about the beaver, the largest rodent in Europe. The environmental classes are held between in January and February in 18 OBI stores in the countryside as well as the Soroksári út and Fogarasi út stores in Budapest for the interested students.
Zebra Technologies Brings Mobile Printing Application to Apple devices |
06-01-2011 |
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Direct printing of labels, receipts and encoded RFID tags from Apple iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch® made available by the Zebra Utilities App and ZebraLink™ Multiplatform SDK
Zebra Technologies Corporation (Nasdaq: ZBRA), a global leader in specialty printing and automatic identification solutions, announces that users can now print directly to a Zebra mobile or stationary printer from Apple iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch mobile digital devices, using the Zebra Utilities app and ZebraLink™ Multiplatform SDK. This innovative auto-id software also enables developers to create customised applications that seamlessly integrate printing to meet their respective needs, saving companies time and resources.
Zebra Introduces Industry’s Most Rugged Route Palette for the Mobile Workforce |
05-01-2011 |
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Seamlessly integrates Motorola’s newest mobile computer with light-weight and durable palette
Zebra Technologies Corporation (Nasdaq: ZBRA), a global leader in specialty printing and automatic identification solutions, announces the latest version of the RW 420 Route Palette, designed to work specifically with Motorola Solutions, new MC9500 industrial grade mobile handheld device. Ideal for direct store delivery and field service and sales operations, the RW 420 brings efficiency and ease-of-use to field mobility applications saving time and money.
The new website of OBI is the alpha and omega of home improvement |
24-11-2010 |
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The OBI brand won the Superbrands prize for the third time
OBI Hungary designed its new home page to be the starting point for those considering home improvement. The website, available in Hungarian, German and English, offers detailed information and comprehensive help not only for those who wish to get coverage on one of the 25 OBI stores or the products on sale but for everyone who plans home renewal or to improve their environment.
Zebra Technologies Adds Laminator to Award-Winning |
16-07-2010 |
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Advanced True Secure security laminates offer a multitude of secure features to deliver increased protection, durability and prolonged card life.
Zebra Technologies Corporation (Nasdaq: ZBRA), a global leader in specialty printing and automatic identification solutions, today announces the addition of the laminator feature, capable of laminating both sides of a cards simultaneously, to the award-winning ZXP Series 8 retransfer card printer. The new laminator option, available globally, will provide an extra layer of protection and security which is essential security element for federal credentialing, state driver’s licensing, and for organizations with high security requirements.
Healthcare professionals commit to patient safety by purchasing more than 125 million of Zebra Technologies’ patient I.D. wristbands worldwide |
14-06-2010 |
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With increased focus on the five rights of the patient, Zebra Technologies is a champion for protecting patients around the world
Zebra Technologies Corporation (NASDAQ: ZBRA), a global leader in specialty printing and automatic identification solutions, announced today that it has sold more than 125 million of its patient Z-band wristbands worldwide which will help prevent the number of deaths that are caused by medical errors.
Healthcare professionals commit to patient safety by purchasing more than 125 million of Zebra Techologies’ Patient I.D. wristbands worldwide |
14-06-2010 |
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With increased focus on the five rights of the patient, Zebra Technologies is a champion for protecting patients around the world
Zebra Technologies Corporation (NASDAQ: ZBRA), a global leader in specialty printing and automatic identification solutions, announced today that it has sold more than 125 million of its patient Z-band wristbands worldwide which will help prevent the number of deaths that are caused by medical errors.
PC Software Piracy Decreases in Hungary Amidst Global Recession |
11-05-2010 |
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The Business Software Alliance and IDC Release Seminal Software Piracy Study
Today, the Business Software Alliance (BSA), an international association representing the global software industry, in partnership with market research firm IDC, announced its seventh annual global software piracy study, tracking PC software piracy rates in more than 100 economies. From 2008 to 2009, installations of unlicensed software on personal computers (PC) in Hungary fell by 1 percent to 41 percent. The commercial value of this illegal software amounted to $ 113 million.
All labels are colour, even if it is not visible |
27-04-2010 |
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Zebra Technologies |
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IQ Color streamlines operations, reduces errors and printing costs
Zebra Technologies Corporation (Nasdaq: ZBRA), a global leader in specialty printing and automatic identification solutions, announces the launch and immediate availability of its IQ Color Thermal Labels, allowing operations managers to print colour visual cues on demand using their existing Zebra thermal printer.
Protection of intellectual property is more topical than ever |
23-04-2010 |
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The „warezking” case is just the tip of the iceberg
The world celebrates the 10th Intellectual Property Day the 26th April. The Business Software Alliance (BSA), the Foundation for the Protection of Copyright of Audiovisual Work (ASVA) and the Association of the Copyright (ProArt) agree that both the awareness about copyrights and its increased protection should be raised.
BSA poll finds most European citizens are unaware of where their online data is stored and unclear about who is responsible for protecting it |
19-04-2010 |
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Respondents report need for international coordination on cyber security
Widespread confusion exists among European citizens over where their online data is stored, according to a Business Software Alliance (BSA) poll released today. Nearly one in five European citizens admitted to being unaware of whether their personal data is being held ‘in the cloud’, with 60% responding that they did not know what ‘in the cloud’ means. Users were also unclear who should take responsibility for protecting their online data, suggesting a need for better coordination between government, businesses, and users and better education on cyber risks and best practices.
Unlicensed software costs Europe’s businesses over $16m in 2009 due to Business Software Alliance legal actions |
15-04-2010 |
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Cooperation with the authorities bring results in Hungary
Unlicensed software has cost European businesses over $16m in 2009 as a result of legal action by the Business Software Alliance (BSA). Last year, the BSA received nearly four thousand leads regarding companies using unlicensed software and conducted 2,256 legal actions across Europe.
Zebra Technologies’ New Self-Service Kiosk Printer Improves Customer Loyalty, & Maximises Worker Productivity |
15-04-2010 |
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Zebra Technologies Corporation (Nasdaq: ZBRA) today announces the release of the KR403 kiosk receipt printer, the first product in its new KR400™ series. The new KR403 offers a range of printing solutions for self-service customer kiosks and can be utilised across a number of application needs such as loyalty coupons, bill payment, self-ordering at supermarkets and entertainment kiosks..
OBI Gyöngyös store opened |
01-04-2010 |
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With the opening of the Gyöngyös store OBI celebrates its 25th unit in Hungary. The Gyöngyös store is intended to become the home improvement and DIY center of the town and the Mátra region. The choice within the 8.300 m2 store, as well as the long term low prices and the highly skilled team all live up to OBI’s market leading position. The Gyöngyös store awaits its visitors with a choice of many ten thousands of products, finalised according to the local needs, as well as with a well trained team of 70 people. |
Business Software Alliance urges strengthening of creative intellectual environment and consequent execution of the law |
29-03-2010 |
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"Strengthening of the creative industries and the protection of intellectual capacities is key for the future of both Hungary and the companies that operate here. This is one of the basic steps and guarantees of the business use of creative intellectual power. Software, as well as all other intellectual products need the systematic and dedicated enforcement of the legal regulations on behalf of the authorities and all those asserting the law" - commented Dr. Gergely Dzsinich, the recently-elected chair of the Business Software Alliance (BSA) Hungary Committee. Dr Dzsinich spoke last week on behalf of the BSA, the global organisation of the leading business software companies, at a training event of the Hungarian Finance and Customs Guard.
New Chair Heads BSA Hungary Committee |
25-03-2010 |
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New chair heads the Hungarian Committee of the Business Software Alliance (BSA). As from now, the Hungarian activities of the organisation of the largest software manufacturers are directed by dr. Gergely Dzsinich, intellectual property lead of Microsoft Hungary. |
OBI Keszthely store opened |
18-03-2010 |
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Arrival of spring brought the opening of the 24th OBI store in Hungary. The Keszthely store is intended to become the home improvement and DIY center of the town and the West Balaton region. The choice within the 7.000 m2 store, as well as the long term low prices and the highly skilled team all live up to OBI’s market leading position. The Keszthely store awaits its visitors with a choice of many tenthousands of products, finalised according to the local needs, as well as with a well trained team of 70 people. |
Beaver awareness month launched |
26-01-2010 |
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The beaver classes of OBI and WWF start tomorrow
The 27th January OBI Hungary and WWF Hungary launch again their successful beaver class program series, which allow about 2300 primary school students from 16 cities to learn about the beaver, the largest rodent in Europe. The environmental classes are held between the end of January – end of February in 15 OBI stores in the countryside as well as the Soroksári út and Fogarasi út stores in Budapest for the interested students.
New high security card printer may end card counterfeiting? |
17-11-2009 |
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ZXP Series 8 addresses industry’s need for higher print speeds and quality images at lower costs |
Zebra launches 2824 Plus Desktop Printer with faster throughput |
13-10-2009 |
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Zebra Technologies Corporation (Nasdaq: ZBRA), announces the immediate availability of the 2824 Plus Desktop printer. This new addition to Zebra’s desktop family offer a migration and upgrade path from Zebra’s popular LP/TLP 2824 and LP/TLP 2824-Z printers.
Zebra Technologies Announces Next Generation of High-Performance Xi™ Series Barcode Printers |
05-10-2009 |
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Zebra Technologies Corporation (Nasdaq: ZBRA) announces the immediate availability of the Xi4 Tabletop Printer Series, offering rugged durability, outstanding print quality, fast print speed, long life and unparalleled reliability. The Zebra Xi4 Series is designed for applications with high duty cycles in harsh environments and improves on Zebra’s previous line of XiIIIPlus™ tabletop printers.
Zebra Kiosk Print Station Provides Rapid Deployment for Self Service Applications |
30-09-2009 |
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Zebra Technologies Europe Limited, a global leader in specialty printing and automatic identification solutions, today announced the immediate availability of Zebra Kiosk Print Station. This all-in-one kiosk solution is a compact enclosure that houses a Zebra TTP 2000™ series kiosk printer, a roll of media and a compact touch-screen kiosk computer. It can be integrated out-of-the-box without the long lead-time and high cost associated with a custom solution. |
Hungary Continues to Rank 28th in Global Index |
17-09-2009 |
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Hungary ranks 28th in the world in the 2009 IT industry competitiveness index, with a score of 46.1 out of 100 in the index. For any development in Hungary, improvements would be needed in the field of enforcement of IP protection, creation of new job opportunities in the IT sector as well as support to the IT industry in general. These are among the findings of a new study issued by the Economist Intelligence Unit and sponsored by the Business Software Alliance (BSA). |
Anonymous lead triggers second biggest case of BSA’s history in Europe |
03-09-2009 |
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Use of unlicensed software costs German company over one million Euro
A German company has admitted to using unlicensed software on more than 1,000 computers, announces the Business Software Alliance (BSA). The sum paid out in damages and the cost of purchasing licenses to become legal has cost the company in excess of 1.1million Euro, making this the second biggest-value case of BSA’s history in Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA).
Businesses Pay $10.1 Million Software Piracy Bill |
23-07-2009 |
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Business Software Alliance (BSA) announces the cost to businesses of unlicensed software use reaches eight-figures in the first six-months of 2009 in Europe, Middle East, and Africa. $3.4 million was paid out in damages and a further $6.6 million to purchase business-critical software to ensure license compliance, and this does not include companies’ legal fee expenditure. |
12-05-2009 |
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Controversial trends characterize 2008
Piracy of software on personal computers (PC) in Hungary remained at 42% in 2008, while half of the 110 countries studied saw piracy rates drop and only 15% increased. Industry losses, due to software piracy, in Hungary rose to $146 million in 2008.
Illegal software trading has reached dangerous dimensions |
24-04-2009 |
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The Business Software Alliance welcomes the efficient actions taken by the National Investigation Office against the trading of illegal software, as the dimensions of such activities have grown in an alarming degree in the economy. In the wake of a raid of the largest scale ever, the National Investigation Office last week seized approximately 250 terabytes of illegal contents, that is, softwares, movies and music stored on 43 computer servers. The Hungarian and Ukrainian-owned entity operating the server park rendered accessible the illegal contents deemed of a record high quantity also on an international scale via premium rate text messages. The action against the infringement of author's rights was really a tough one as the National Investigation Office mobilized over 100 policemen and also arrested 6 individuals over the course of the operation.
Three Major Software Companies Join Business Software Alliance |
09-04-2009 |
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Embarcadero Technologies Sees Value in Global Software Group’s Anti-Piracy and Policy Programmes in EMEA
Three forward-looking software companies have joined the Business Software Alliance (BSA), citing its proven value in advancing the industry's interests worldwide. Embarcadero Technologies will participate in BSA's activities in Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA) in its capacity as a Worldwide Member. Two other members have also joined as Worldwide Members, Minitab and Rosetta Stone. The three are providers of innovative software solutions in the areas of online collaboration, quality improvement, and lifelong learning, respectively.
EMEA Region Shows 8% Rise of Reports of Unlicensed Software Use |
01-04-2009 |
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Business Software Alliance receives higher quantity of leads at the start of 2009
The Business Software Alliance (BSA) has been provided with more than 800 leads in January and February 2009 across the Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) region, 8 per cent up compared to the start of 2008. The service industry has been identified as leading the trend, followed by the architectural/design, sales/distribution, engineering, manufacturing, and graphics sectors respectively.
URSA-Uralita announces the closure of a glass wool factory in Salgotarjan, Hungary |
27-03-2009 |
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The Hungarian general economic situation has deteriorated quickly in the past months, especially in the building sector, and as consequence demand in the region has greatly decreased. Against this backdrop, URSA has decided to stop the activities of its oldest glass wool factory, located in Salgotarjan with a capacity of 13,000 tons, thus allowing for the optimization of its production network. |
Who cares about the customer? |
04-03-2009 |
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Lack of customer focus and inefficiently run businesses are among the biggest problems for doing business in Central and Eastern Europe. On the other hand, local managers are hard working and ambitious, the business environment is dynamic and women managers outperform male managers. These have been among the major findings of the research conducted in 6 European Union member countries by TARGET International Executive Search Group, together with Henley Business School. While there are some general characteristics of the region, there are also significant differences between the management cultures of Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Slovakia. |
A growing number of IT shop assistants and managers will have to face consequences of violating the copyright law |
09-02-2009 |
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Increasing distribution of illegal software at the retailers.
BSA applauds recent criminal proceedings by Hungarian police forces against a number of IT shop assistants and managers. There is suspicion that they have sold PCs with illegally installed or "left over" software. The number of cases started to increase dramatically last September.
BSA website renewed |
15-12-2008 |
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The Business Software Alliance (BSA) announced that, from now on, the new pages of the organisation's Hungarian website are available. The website had to be renewed for two reasons: on the one hand, an internationally standardised appearance and the strengthening of the brand and the image have become more important than previously. On the other hand, the scope of the services offered by the website and an increased need for interactivity called for a review. First, the US and UK websites of the organisation received a new image. In turn, all the websites of the almost 80 member states will be refreshed.
BSA welcomes the measures taken by the government facilitating copyright protection |
08-12-2008 |
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The Business Software Alliance (BSA) welcomes the announcement that, in the future, actions against infringements of copyright, and initiatives that increase social awareness in this respect will be considered top priority by the National Anti-Counterfeit Body (HENT) set up by the government. In the view of the BSA, the current situation can only be resolved via a cooperation between the government and the business sphere, and by making the society aware of the dangers, risks and damages associated with piracy. The actions described in the position of HENT now published contain the major elements of this programme. |
Cadbury announces a new distribution model in Hungary |
28-11-2008 |
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Cadbury, one of the global leading confectionery companies, announced today important changes in its distribution model in Hungary. The company has announced the proposal to change the way it distributes its products in Hungary, and to work with a distributor who will be responsible for selling Cadbury's brands in this market from 1st January 2009. |
BSA Announces New World-Class Approach to Software Asset Management (SAM) |
18-11-2008 |
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BSA SAM Advantage Makes It Easier for Organisations to Achieve the Global SAM Standard and Reap Numerous Benefits
The Business Software Alliance (BSA) today announced a new, world-class approach to software asset management (SAM), the business practice aimed at keeping track of and gaining the most productivity from all software within an organisation. This new approach offers information technology (IT) managers and service providers an easier way to reap the benefits of SAM.
Business Software Alliance terminates more than 18,000 auctions and increases internet programme focus on |
10-11-2008 |
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New report published on the threats associated with internet piracy
The Business Software Alliance (BSA) announces it has shut down 18,314 auctions around the world selling 45,000 items of pirated software, worth a combined $22 million (15 million euro / £12 million), as well as tackling the illegal sale of software via peer-to-peer (P2P) networks and other internet-based channels in the first half of 2008. BSA's activity on the internet has increased three-fold from 2007 and includes a heightened focus on the crackdown of pirated software in the Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) region.
Standard to promote the legal use of software |
24-09-2008 |
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The Hungarian Standards Institution (MSZT) launched as a Hungarian national standard the international standard of software asset management. As of September, the ISO/IEC 19770-1 standard is accessible as a Hungarian national standard. Obtaining the certificate that verifies compliance with the standard of software asset management processes at companies ensures greater security for the managers of responsible Hungarian firms, and, at the same time, promotes efforts against illegal software use.
Hungary continues to hold rank 28 in Global Index of IT Competitiveness, Study Says |
16-09-2008 |
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Our under performance is especially aching in the field of IT infrastructur
Hungary ranks 28 in the world in the 2008 IT industry competitiveness index, thus keeping its last year position. The country's current ranking in the middle of the ranking could be improved considerably, if focus was put on the development of the IT infrastructure. These are among the findings of a new study issued by the Economist Intelligence Unit and sponsored by the Business Software Alliance (BSA).
Business Software Alliance launches a Font Guide to help businesses understand and comply with copyright laws |
08-07-2008 |
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Company education needed to support a cultural shift in the ways that we manage fonts as software
The Business Software Alliance (BSA) today launches an international best practice guide for managing font assets, aimed at educating businesses on the licensing implications of using different typefaces. Many companies are unaware that font designs and font software are classed as Intellectual Property (IP); the guide intends to change the mindset around how fonts are perceived and managed.
Goodman leads Central Eastern European expansion from Budapest |
15-05-2008 |
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Goodman (ASX: GMG), the integrated global property group which owns, develops and manages industrial and office space, today officially announced in Budapest its development plans in Central Eastern Europe. The expansion in the area is lead from its Budapest office. |
BSA plans cooperation with Art and Design University in Hungary |
28-04-2008 |
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On the occasion of the international intellectual property day the leading Hungarian art education institute, the Moholy - Nagy University of Art and Design (MOME) and the Business Software Alliance (BSA) announced their intention to cooperate. The objective of the cooperation is to enable young designer and media artist students to be aware of their rights related to their intellectual property and of educate them on how to protect these rights.
BSA settlement of unprecedented value in Hungary |
21-04-2008 |
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BSA has recently reached a settlement with two major companies found to have significant shortfalls in software licences. Following a criminal complaint made by the BSA, a major industrial company located in eastern Hungary and a national food retail chain paid a total sum of 8,6 million HUF (apr. euro 35.000) compensation fee as a result of the settlement process adjusting the civil law claim of BSA. Furthermore, the two companies spent several million forints on purchasing the correct licenses for their software products.
Flextronics opened the first electronics apprentice workshop in Hungary |
15-02-2008 |
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Following the work of close to one year and an investment of 150 million HUF the first electronics apprentice workshop of the country was opened today. The institution inaugurated in the Zalaegerszeg Industrial park of Flextronics International Kft. provides the opportunity to 54 students to gain high level practical knowledge. The biggest value of this unique workshop is that the curricula, the machinery, the equipment and the software is developing together with the industry. Consequently, the graduates are able to master the high technology knowledge at Flextronics during their training process and will definitely be able to provide high level performance during their work.
New Study Makes a Compelling Economic Case |
22-01-2008 |
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"Knock-on" Benefits of Reducing Software Piracy Translate into Jobs, Economic Output and a Stronger IT Sector Reducing software piracy over the next four years in Hungary could create a stronger local information technology (IT) sector, generate about 1.100 new high paying jobs, and contribute 47 billion HUF (274 million $) to Hungary's economy, according to a new study released today by the Business Software Alliance (BSA). This new study is based on a model, which focuses on the benefits of reducing PC software developed and produced by BSA member firms.
Close to 2000 new employees to be recruited by Flextronics in Hungary |
14-01-2008 |
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Within the next 6 months, Flextronics (NASDAQ: FLEX), the leading provider of electronics manufacturing services, plans to recruit close to 2000 new employees in Hungary. The dynamic growth affects all 3 Hungarian industrial parks of Flextronics International Kft. The need for new workforce is 800-1000 in Zalaegerszeg, 400 in Sárvár and 4-500 in Nyíregyháza. Before summer, the number of people employed by Flextronics will well exceed 10.000 which, together with the suppliers in the industrial parks, reinforces Flextronics' role as one of the most important companies in both Western and Eastern Hungary.
Problems of globalisation have local angle |
11-12-2006 |
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Office of the Hungarian Parliament |
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The integration of Balkan countries is of high interest for Hungary. The closing event of the "Discussion for our European development" series of conferences on various European aspects, hosted by the Hungarian Parliament and the European Parliament, took place in Szeged.
Strict sentence for software piracy |
11-12-2006 |
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Software pirate sentenced to 10 months by court of first instance
For violation of the copyright law the Budapest XVIII. - XIX. district Court handed out a 10 months jail sentence and a 2 years ban on public matters to a recidivist private individual. According to the judgment, the culprit carried out a 29 case, businesslike breach of the copyright law. The culprit cannot be released on probation. |
Development of transport needs to fit in long term economic policy |
01-12-2006 |
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Office of the Hungarian Parliament |
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Focus not on money but what it is spent on.
The 6th event of the roadshow of parliaments continued in Debrecen, with focus on development of transport and environmental policies. Participants agreed that the available funding for these projects, 4000 billion forints, is enormous. The real question is how and on what projects this funding is spent. |
Sale of illegal software at the retailers |
29-11-2006 |
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Both the shop assistant and the manager of the IT shop are responsible for violating the copyright law
Recently criminal proceedings have been started against a number of IT shop assistants and managers, as there is strong suspicion that they have sold PCs with illegally installed or 'left over' software. |
Latest OBI store opens in Zugló, Budapest |
29-11-2006 |
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Fogarasi street store offers 70000 items on 2 levels and 12.000 m2 space
Balance in supply and demand of workforce needs to be set |
27-11-2006 |
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Office of the Hungarian Parliament |
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Education and employment systems face modernisation.
The event series of the Hungarian Parliament and the European Parliament continued in Veszprém, with focus on how education and employment systems can and should serve the development of the knowledge based society. |
Pinnacle Worldwide Celebrates 30th Anniversary, Names Hannemie Stitz President, to Continue Global Expansion |
23-11-2006 |
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The 30th Anniversary of Pinnacle Worldwide was celebrated recently as part of the international organization of independently owned public relations firm's Board of Directors meeting held in London. Attendees included 60 principals, top executives and guests from 34 Pinnacle member firms representing the United States, Europe and Asia Pacific.
Almost 50% of the Hungarian GDP provided by SMEs |
21-11-2006 |
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Office of the Hungarian Parliament |
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Easier administration could help businesses gain more support.
Regional programs of the nationwide event-series of the European Parliament and the Hungarian National Parliament continued in Keszthely with the discussion on issues of competitiveness and the situation of small and medium businesses. |
New chance of the Hungarian wine industry |
13-11-2006 |
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Office of the Hungarian Parliament |
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Within a few years more wine will arrive in the EU than what the EU exports. With the third event, the nationwide event-series of the European Parliament and the Hungarian National Parliament continued in Sárospatak.
Wide scale cooperation can bring culture to success |
06-11-2006 |
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Office of the Hungarian Parliament |
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After 2010 Pécs can become European Center of Tolerance. With the "Culture within the European Union" conference the first regional program of the nationwide event-series of the European Parliament and the Hungarian National Parliament took place.
No European development without dialogue |
02-11-2006 |
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Office of the Hungarian Parliament |
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The European Parliament and the National Parliament launch conference series
In order to increase citizen confidence, the European Parliament and the Hungarian National Parliament launch a nationwide conference series. The conferences aim at creating awareness about the fact that within the European Union parliaments are the main centres of democracy. These are the bodies setting direct link between the citizens and the institutions of the EU. Within the next few weeks 7 events are organised in 7 cities of Hungary, to facilitate citizens and members of parliaments exchange opinion on relevant economic, social and cultural issues. |
The Net is closing in around companies using illegal software |
04-10-2006 |
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50% increase in discovered IP crimes during the first 5 months of the year
BSA launches media campaign to raise risk awareness on illegal software use |
Business Software Alliance (BSA) gives new momentum to its Soft Visit campaign, started one year ago |
18-09-2006 |
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Through its campaign BSA aims to decrease the damages, resulting of software piracy and affecting the whole society. |
The construction of the 19th OBI store is finished |
04-07-2006 |
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The latest store of the market leader DIY chain opens this year. Market leader OBI Hungary, with last year's turnover of HUF 47,5 billion, reinforces its position on the market, primarily due to its dynamic expansion policy. The latest addition to the chain will be the store on Fogarasi út.
Flextronics started Lego production in Sárvár |
21-06-2006 |
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650 people deal with manufacturing Duplo games. Hungary grew into a Lego-imperium. The fact was revealed to the wide public - including representatives of the regional and national media and city major Dr. Tibor Dénes - at the end of June in Sárvár. It was then that Flextronics' local factory launched the production of Lego's "Duplo" range, a toy family for kindergarten-age kids. By now, all new Duplos sitting on toy store shelves in any European country are definitely made in Hungary; and the Sárvár factory works on high gear towards the Christmas sales season.
The production of new generation tape cartridges for HP has been launched |
15-06-2006 |
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Flextronics |
Flextronics - HP |
In a joint press conference, HP and Flextronics presented to the press mid-June HP's new generation data storage media devices. At the event, held in Flextronics' Zalaegerszeg factory participants detailed the several years' cooperation of the two companies and the milestones in the Zalaegerszeg-based production of HP data storage media.
OBI Hungary had a record turnover of HUF 47.5 billion in the 2005/2006 fiscal year |
25-05-2006 |
commerce |
obi |
With a record-high turnover of HUF 47.5 billion for the fiscal year closed on April 30, 2006, OBI reinforced its position as the market leader in the Hungarian home development market; while it is also number one in terms of geographical coverage. This figure means a 25% turnover increase compared to the previous year for the German-owned DIY chain. This significant growth was partly based on the consumer-oriented structure of products offered, partly on a strong expansion policy; and finally on the well-skilled staff of the company. OBI keeps focusing on expansion in the next 12 months to come: they will add up to 4 new stores to the existing 18; while some existing units shall undergo some refurbishing to keep pace with the changing requirements. |
Rate of illegal software in Hungary decreased slightly |
24-05-2006 |
IT |
bsa |
In 2005 42% of software installed on PCs in Hungary were illegal, which has resulted in damage of $106 million (22,2 billion Hungarian Forints) to the industry. The 2% drop followed a similar rise a year before, therefore last year's figure matches that of 2003. Taking into account that both the global and the Western European average is 35%, still a lot needs to be done by both the market players and the government. |
PC software piracy declining in emerging markets |
23-05-2006 |
IT |
pepper |
Thirty-five percent of the packaged software installed on personal computers (PC) worldwide in 2005 was illegal, amounting to $34 billion in global losses due to software piracy. However, positive movement in a number of markets indicates education and enforcement efforts are paying off in emerging economies such as China, Russia and India and in Central/Eastern Europe and the Middle East & Africa. |
Copyright industries suffer a yearly damage of 100 Bn Forints, Protectors of Intellectual Property unite on international IP day |
25-04-2006 |
IT |
On the occasion of the international intellectual property day 3 organisations (ASVA, BSA and ProArt) as well as well known representatives of the industries drew the attention to the importance of protecting copyright and promoting importance of a higher awareness on intellectual property. |
05-04-2006 |
IT |
Study from group finds half billion Euro increase in European copyright levies expected by 2009, despite growing market for copy-protected digital media |
Customers look for environment friendly paints |
05-04-2006 |
construction materials |
Tikkurila |
PeppeR |
Nowadays there are over 50 companies dealing with production and trade of paints. |
OBI launches new telephone information system |
21-03-2006 |
commerce |
PeppeR |
OBI launches new telephone information system
Up to date information provided on over 70.000 pieces of articles
OBI launches new telephone information system |
21-03-2006 |
commerce |
PeppeR |
OBI launches new telephone information system
Up to date information provided on over 70.000 pieces of articles |
Tikkurila launches new service and products in Hungary |
21-03-2006 |
construction materials |
Tikkurila |
PeppeR |
Tikkurila, present in Hungary for 15 years, launches unique service and 3 new products in Hungary. |
Same shoes to everyone? |
17-03-2006 |
healthcare |
Hungarian Associaton of Optics |
PeppeR |
Same shoes to everyone?
The Hungarian Association of Opticians protest against ready made glasses
Gábor Keresztúri, President of the Hungarian Association of Opticians strongly criticised the growing use of ready-made glasses. |
16-03-2006 |
healthcare |
Hungarian Associaton of Optics |
PeppeR |
The optic profession prepares for one of its most important event this year
The Hungarian Association of Optics expects record number of exhibitors and visitors
OPTOEXPO, the largest optical professional event of the year opens the 17 March. One of the unique features of this year is the unique opportunity for the lay public to visit the exhibition on the last afternoon of the event. This initiative is to make the public aware of the importance to regularly take care of their own eyesight.
Multiple debts and the elections |
09-03-2006 |
finance |
Atradius |
PeppeR |
Multiple debts could be key economic issue of elections
Atradius aims at long term development of the market
Half of the growing number of insolvencies in Hungary is caused by the non-payment of one the key customers. Credit insurance however could be one of the efficient tools to pre-empt and reduce number of insolvencies and reduce risks and damages caused by the late or non paying customers, However, the number of signed credit insurance contracts is still very low in Hungary, hardly reaches 400. Atradius, celebrating it 10th year of presence in Hungary and the 1st. anniversary of its Budapest office boasts of about 15% of these contracts. |
IT Decision Makers Finds Information Security Awareness Has Increased Significantly |
15-02-2006 |
IT |
pepper |
A new survey from the Business Software Alliance (BSA) finds information technology (IT) decision makers from North America and Europe have grown more concerned about information security over the past two years. The survey finds 78% have increased the number of IT security projects they work on, and a majority says they take a proactive approach toward security. |
Christmas sale starts Thursday in OBI DIY stores |
21-12-2005 |
commerce |
PeppeR |
The Christmas sale, successful for years, starts the 22 December in OBI DIY Hungarian stores. Some goods will be discounted with as much as 70 %. The CEO of OBI Hungary, Reiter László said, that the last weeks had proved that the earlier DIY profile has successfully been developed into home development. Not only DIY machines but for example carpets and furniture have also been sold in large numbers. All goods on sale are modern, in immaculate condition and offered with remarkable discount. |
BSA-IDC study illustrates economic gains of reducing software piracy in European Union |
08-12-2005 |
IT |
PeppeR |
Thursday 8th December 2005, London - Cutting the software piracy rate of 35 percent in the European Union (EU) by 10 percentage points over four years could generate an additional 155,000 jobs, $88 billion in economic growth and $25 billion in tax revenues, according to a study released today by the Business Software Alliance (BSA).
The winners of the drawing contest "Draw Your Dream" were announced today |
25-11-2005 |
healthcare |
Dry Nights Foundation |
PeppeR |
The foundation "Dry Nights, Happy Days", established for the diagnose and curing of the disease enuresis nocturna (childhood bedwetting) has announced a drawing contest called "Draw Your Dream". More than 200 drawings have arrived, among which the 50 best were awarded on 25 November 2005, at the award ceremony presented by the leaders of the foundation and Nóra Ördög, popular presenter of the TV programme Kid Club. |
Next phase of BSA's BigvisIT Campaign starts today |
21-11-2005 |
IT |
PeppeR |
On 19 November, 2005 BSA's BigvisIT campaign continues in Budapest and in the surrounding counties. Experts from BSA will be visiting couple hundreds of small and medium-size companies to help estimating their software files, and possible illegal softwares. Experts on spot will provide legal and professional advice for improved asset tracking. BSA will lean on experience gained during the first phase of this year's BigvisIT Campaign throughout Győr-Moson-Sopron County. |
OBI Hungary achieved remarkable development in Hewitt's annual "Best Employer" research |
10-11-2005 |
commerce |
PeppeR |
OBI belongs to those few companies, who, with conscious work concerning the enhancement of employee satisfaction, managed to achieve a development in all fields examined compared to the results of last year. The "Best Employer" research is based on evaluation of employee opinion about the company. |
Young families in the 21st century |
27-10-2005 |
market research |
Millward Brown |
PeppeR |
Millward Brown one of the world's top 10 market research organisations conducts a qualitative research among different consumer segments in each year. In 2005 they have performed a research among couples aged between 25 and 35 with and without children (DINKS=Double Income No Kids) to determine the most important aspects of their lifesyles, consumption habits, attitude toward brands and advertisements. The research highlights the most significant differences between the young couples and the DINKS, meanwhile forcasts the changes and trends in their lives. This in-depth research was conducted in 13 European and 5 South-American countries. |
Roland Berger became the mostly recognised logistics consultant company in Germany |
18-10-2005 |
management consultant |
Roland Berger |
PeppeR |
LOGISTIK Inside and Emnid market research company has conducted a survey about the public opinion of the logistics corporations in Germany since 2002. In this year already 300 leading logistics specialists had been asked about the companies, in four categories. In the category of the logistics consultants, the winner was Roland Berger Strategy Consultants. The researchers think this award is the sign of confidence. |
"EU: wider & wiser" continues at the 10th Sausage Festival in Békéscsaba |
10-10-2005 |
government |
The Prime Minister's Office |
PeppeR |
The programme series of the Prime Minister's Office "EU: wider & wiser" continues at the 10th Sausage Festival in Békéscsaba. The biggest EU informative citizen campaign of the year, which has already welcomed ten thousands of visitors in eight events so far, reached its final stage. The aim of the information program, supported by the European Commission is to inform the young generation and people living in the countryside about EU related issues and the opportunities EU membership of Hungary offers. |
New Series on Reality TV in October |
14-09-2005 |
PeppeR |
New series enrich the programme of Reality TV from October - announced the Head of Marketing and PR of Zone Vision Hungary, the owner of Reality TV chanel. |
EU globe tent: success at the Nyíregyháza Fruit Carnival |
12-09-2005 |
government |
The Prime Minister's Office |
PeppeR |
The seventh station of "EU: wider & wiser" information programme was a great success in Nyíregyháza as well. At the 32th Nyírségi Ősz - Fruit Carnival the EU globe tent had nearly thousand visitors between 9th and 11th September. Mrs Csabai, the mayor of Nyíregyháza and vice-mayor Mr István Tukacs were also welcomed among the guests. |
Social joining for children |
05-09-2005 |
household goods |
EVM Rt. |
PeppeR |
EVM Inc. and Forest Papír Ltd. have started a social program to prevent the most frequent domestic accidents. Due to the cooperation of the two companies, a brochure was issued which calls attention not only to the domestic accidents and dangers, but gives practical advice and professional help for parents. Senior counsellor of Heim Pál Children's Hospital, Ervin Smrcz dr. is the consultant of the "Safe at Home" programme. The heads of kindergartens received "Safe at Home" brochures in September throughout the country. Children startig the kindergarten and their parents can leaf through the nice and informative booklet together. |
"EU: wider & wiser" won the Marketing Prize of OMÉK |
01-09-2005 |
government |
The Prime Minister's Office |
PeppeR |
The joint programme series of the Prime Minister's Office and Pillar Foundation "EU: wider & wiser" information campaign won the Marketing Prize of the 74th National Agricultural and Food Industry Exhibition. The competition was announced by the Hungarian Marketing Association, the Agrarian and Food Industry Marketing Club and the Ministry of Agricultural and Rural Development Agrarian Marketing Center Public Company. The jury analyzed how the certain OMÉK-stands demonstrated the aims and marketingstrategy of the exhibitors, and the concept and assets helping the realization of the targets as well. |
EU globe tent at the Nyíregyháza Fruit Carnival |
29-08-2005 |
government |
The Prime Minister's Office |
PeppeR |
The programme series of the Prime Minister's Office "EU: wider & wiser" continues at the 32th Nyírség Fruit Carnival. The aim of the information program, supported by the European Commission is to inform the young generation and people living in the countryside about EU related issues and the opportunities EU membership of Hungary offers. Besides entertaining programmes at the Nyíregyháza station of "EU: wider & wiser", visitors were informed about the scholarships and employement in the European Union. |
The EU globe tent welcomes its visitors at the National Agricultural and Foodindustrial Exhibition as well |
22-08-2005 |
government |
The Prime Minister's Office |
PeppeR |
The joint programme series of the Prime Minister's Office and two civil organisations "EU: wider & wiser" continues with the 74th National Agricultural and Food Industry Exhibition. The aim of the information program, supported by the European Commission is to inform the young generation and people living in the countryside about EU relatedissues and the opportunities EU membership of Hungary offers.
A large number of interesting discussions are planned between 27th August - 4 September, including, that with the well-known Hungarian gastronomy writer, Júlia Frank, who will provide practical guiding to the enlarged food choice.
The EU globe tent was one of the most frequented place at Civil Sziget |
17-08-2005 |
government |
The Prime Minister's Office |
PeppeR |
The organisers of the "EU: wider & wiser" programme series have reached their goal at Sziget Festival. More than daily thousand visitors and young students discovered the attractions of the EU globe tent at the fifth, Budapest event of the programme series day-to-day. A wide variety of programmes, lively performances and a range of strategic and EU-related Internet games attracted the visitors. |
Flextronics and Raymarine Enter Into Five Year Outsourcing Relationship |
12-08-2005 |
electronics |
Flextronics |
PeppeR |
Singapore, August 11, 2005 - Flextronics (NASDAQ: FLEX), a global leading Electronics Manufacturing Services (EMS) provider and Raymarine, one of the world's largest suppliers of marine electronic products to the leisure boating market, today announced an agreement whereby Flextronics will provide vertically integrated manufacturing services to Raymarine. The services, which will be provided initially through Flextronics' Hungary facility, will include printed circuit board assembly, box build, plastics, metals, printed circuit board, logistics, and test engineering services. The value of the agreement is estimated at approximately US$ 500 million over a five-year period. Flextronics will not assume any Raymarine buildings or assets, and no employees of Raymarine will be transferred to Flextronics. |
For the first time the EU globe tent will be present at "Sziget" |
10-08-2005 |
government |
The Prime Minister's Office |
PeppeR |
The "EU: wider & wiser" programme series goes on at the "Sziget" festival between 10th and 17th August, one of the largest youth festivals of its kind in Europe. It is the first time the EU globe tent appears at Civil "Sziget" - besides entertainment programmes it primarily offers topics concerning young people, such as scholarship opportunities in the EU member coutnries, employment and tender opportunities. The new strategic computer game, "EU room" - will also be launched at the "Sziget". |
István Vágó popularized the EU globe tent at the agrocultural festival in Keszthely |
10-08-2005 |
government |
The Prime Minister's Office |
PeppeR |
TV Quizmaster István Vágó was the invited star guest of the very successful fourth stage of the "EU: wider & wiser" information programme series in Keszthely. The well-known quizmaster participated in the programmes of the EU globe tent along with the mayor of Keszthely at the Agrocultural Festival. In spite of the bad weather, a large number of people visited the globe tent between 3th and 7th August. |
"Végvári Vigasságok" |
01-08-2005 |
government |
The Prime Minister's Office |
PeppeR |
Turkish swords have glinted and veils of belly-dancers have soughed in the EU globe tent in the castle of Eger for three days. The unique EU-tent excelled even among the spectacles of "Végvári Vigasságok". In the colourful whirling the tent was an interesting curiosity for visitors and performers as well. |
The EU globe tent had nearly 10000 visitors at EFOTT |
25-07-2005 |
government |
The Prime Minister's Office |
PeppeR |
The spectacular EU globe tent has met with great success at EFOTT, the national meeting of university youth. The EU-lottery and the EU-pools were the most popular elements among the daily 1500-2000 visitors. Correct answers merited token Euros, for which the players received various presents on the Europe-market. Twenty voluntary university-students and ten experts helped the visitors answer the questions, while further assistance was offered through the toll free EU info line (06-80-38-2004) as well.
The building of Nagykanizsa OBI store is steaming ahead |
21-07-2005 |
commerce |
PeppeR |
The building of OBI store in the Balatoni street is steaming ahead - according to plans, the market leader store chain opens its doors in Nagykanizsa in autumn. The structure of the store is finished, at present interior work is being carried out, and the building of the car-park will be soon started as well. OBI store opening creates 83 new vacancies in the region, 75 new colleagues are now finishing a two and a half month training. |
Enuresis camp in Miskolc |
14-07-2005 |
healthcare |
Dry Nights Foundation |
PeppeR |
For the first time in this year, Dry Nights Foundation organized a Enuresis-camp for children who suffer from enuresis nocturna (bedwetting) in Miskolc. The one week summer camp took place on the first week of July. The camp was organized for those kids who never had a chance to participate in camps because of their illness. |
"EU: wider & wiser" starting up in Baja |
06-07-2005 |
government |
The Prime Minister's Office |
PeppeR |
In the frame of the 10th Fishsoup Festival in Baja, the "EU: wider & wiser" information programme series of the of the Prime Minister's Office is starting up the 8th July on the Petőfi Island. The aim of the programme series is to inform young people and people living in the countryside about various EU related topics and all the opportunities that EU-membership of Hungary offers to them. Two topics are in the centre of the Baja event: situation of the grain-market and the fishing policy of the European Union. Both issues are of high interest to people living in the region. |
The Hungarian-American Enterprise Scholarship Fund's |
15-06-2005 |
education |
HAESF - Hungarian-American Enterprise Scholarship Fund |
PeppeR |
The Second Group of Young Hungarians Set to Travel to the USA With the support of American partner organizations, the second group of Hungarian HAESF winners is ready to depart for the United States. Like last year's 20 scholarship winners, this group has been given the opportunity to travel to the States for additional training and research in their respective fields.
Atradius sees growing credit management possibilities in Hungary |
20-04-2005 |
finance |
Atradius |
PeppeR |
Atradius, second largest global credit insurance company has entered the Hungarian market. Atradius sees growing business possibilities because Hungarian companies experience severe financial problems. By the help of its unique credit management system, Atradius main goal is to stimulate business growth in Hungary helping small, medium and large Hungarian businesses. Balázs Vanek was appointed to Managing Director of Atradius Hungary.
Atradius opens branch in Hungary |
18-03-2005 |
finance |
Atradius |
PeppeR |
Atradius, a global leader in credit insurance and credit management, today announced that it started its commercial operations in Hungary. The Atradius office, located in Budapest, offers credit insurance services to companies that aim to reduce their risk of non-payment of trade debts.
Leumi Switzerland Net Profit up by 65CLASS=required SIZE=48 % in 2004 |
02-03-2005 |
PeppeR |
Dividend of 25% on share capital is proposed for distribution
Net profit after tax amounted to CHF 12 mil. versus CHF 7,2 mil. in 2003.
Total income amounted to CHF 62,6 mil. an increase of 4% versus 2003. This increase is explained mainly by a 10% increase in commissions' income, which off set a decline of 2% in net interest income and in trading income. Structured products' income contributed CHF 11.4 mil. compared with CHF 12.9 mil. in 2003.
Matáv Supports the County Hospital of Szombathely with Two Million HUF - Another donation by Matáv to Markusovszky Hospital |
22-02-2005 |
Pepper |
The responsible corporate citizenship program of Matáv, "Matáv Adds" donated two million HUF to Markusovszky Hospital of Szombathely, enabling the hospital to buy an essential item of gynecological equipment. The cardio-tocograph is one of the most important diagnostic tools before and during childbirth. This is not the first time that Matáv has supported the hospital in Szombathely; in 2000 the Company contributed assets worth one million HUF for use in treating cancer patients.
24-11-2004 |
electronics |
Flextronics |
Pepper |
Stockholm, Sweden, November 22, 2004-Flextronics Network Services, a business unit of Flextronics (NASDAQ: FLEX) and a global independent leader in multivendor network services, today announced that it has signed an agreement with Ukrainian Mobile Communications (UMC), a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Mobile TeleSystems OJSC (NYSE: MBT) and the Ukraine's leading mobile communication operator. As part of the agreement, Flextronics Network Services will become the main contractor for the rollout, expansion, and maintenance of UMC's GSM network throughout Ukraine.
The alliance of beverage carton producers start with ambitious aims |
04-11-2004 |
non-profit |
Alliance of Beverage Carton Producers |
PeppeR |
For the best utilization and to coordinate the selective collection the beverage carton producers of Hungarian market made a new alliance. The three biggest beverage carton producers (Tetra Pak Hungária, SIG Combibloc and Elopak) founded IKSZ (Beverage Carton Environmental Alliance). The aim of the organisation is to raise awareness of the low environment impact of the beverage cartons and to inspire selective collection. The founders endeavour that the total recycling and recovery rate of cartons reach 25% in Hungary by 2008.
First group of Hungarian scholarship fellows travel to the USA in October |
23-09-2004 |
finance |
MAVA - Hungarian American Enterprise Fund |
PeppeR |
The applications for scholarships at HAESF have been judged. According to the decision within the frame of two different programs altogether 20 Hungarian students and specialists can travel this October to be trained and have the possibility to develop their knowledge for one year maximum in the United States. The aim of these programs is to help the professional development of the scholarship fellows, exchange the obtained knowledge and experiences between Hungarian and American specialists and its further intention is to create a closer relationship between Hungary and the United States.
Yield management and mobile communications |
22-09-2004 |
management consultant |
Roland Berger |
PeppeR |
The telecommunications industry, especially mobile communications, is facing several challenges in terms of today's and future revenues. In an unfavorable market climate and with the delayed introduction of UMTS, operators have to reverse the trend of market saturation and decreasing average revenue per user (ARPU). To achieve this, they have to align their customer structure toward profitability and migrate customers to innovative services. However, data services and products such as GPRS, BlackBerry, and other mobile-enabled PDAs - once seen as the future of mobile communications with high profits guaranteed - are growing more slowly than originally forecasted.
Multek to Acquire Sheldahl |
16-08-2004 |
electronics |
Flextronics |
Flextronics |
Flextronics announces first quarter results |
19-07-2004 |
electronics |
Flextronics |
Flextronics |
Flextronics (NASDAQ: FLEX) today announced results for its first quarter ended June 30, 2004 |
Nortel Networks to transfer supply chain operations to Flextronics |
29-06-2004 |
electronics |
Flextronics |
Flextronics |
Flextronics announced the signing of an agreement with Nortel Networks whereby Nortel Networks will divest certain optical, wireless, and enterprise manufacturing operations and optical design operations to Flextronics. |
Matáv named Corporate Donor of the Year |
28-06-2004 |
telecommunications |
Magyar Telekom (korábban: Matáv) |
PeppeR |
The Nonprofit Information and Training Centre (NIOK) has honored Matáv with the Corporate Donor of the Year 2003 award. The foundation awards this prize to businesses pursuing outstanding sponsorship and donation activities. It has been awarded every year since 1995 and uniquely, Matáv's activities have deserved this recognition of high moral value for the second time. It was received by Matáv communication director Bálint Nagy.
Service offshoring takes off in Europe |
15-06-2004 |
management consultant |
Roland Berger |
PeppeR |
Four of 10 European firms have begun to relocate service functions offshore. |
Cash 4 Growth |
09-06-2004 |
management consultant |
Roland Berger |
PeppeR |
The study by Roland Berger entitled Cash 4 Growth reveals potential of more than EUR 400 billion in top European industrial companies Roland Berger found major improvement levers in fixed and current assets.
Flextronics to acquire 55 percent of Hughes Software Systems |
08-06-2004 |
electronics |
Flextronics |
Flextronics |
Flextronics, The DIRECTV Group, Inc., and Hughes Network Systems, Inc. (a wholly-owned subsidiary of DIRECTV) today announced that they have signed an agreement whereby Flextronics will acquire Hughes Network Systems' entire ownership stake of fifty-five percent (55%) in Hughes Software Systems (HSS), a leading provider of software products and services to telecom infrastructure companies.
Don't let bedwetting disturb the long-awaited holidays |
26-05-2004 |
healthcare |
Dry Nights Foundation |
PeppeR |
Bedwetting (nocturnal enuresis) often forces kids to despair of summer vacation: due to their illness seen as shameful and covert, they choose to spend the holidays at home. Dry Nights Foundation's (www.enuresis.hu) aim is to attract parents' attention to the importance of curing enuresis. Although bedwetting can be treated, many parents mistakenly wait the symptoms just pass away.
OBI: 10 years in Hungary |
26-05-2004 |
commerce |
PeppeR |
With the opening of new and modernizing our old stores, OBI celebrates their ten year presence in Hungary. |
Ambulance service development is the common interest of the society - With the help of the "Matáv Hozzáad" (Additions from Matáv) Program, the National Ambulance Service receives a modern, mobile respirator |
25-05-2004 |
telecommunications |
Magyar Telekom (korábban: Matáv) |
Only 40% of the first-aid ambulance vehicles in Hungary are equipped with a modern, mobile respirator. With the help of the "Additions from Matáv" Program, one more vehicle of the National Ambulance Service was equipped with an instrument ensuring up-to-date services. The equipment facilitates the work of ambulance doctors attending the most serious cases, and can help both children and adults. This morning, this life-saving instrument worth nearly HUF 2 million was handed over to the Bázis Mentőállomás (Base Ambulance Station) of the 13th District. |
The "Matáv adds" program supports Baranya County Hospital with two million Forints |
20-05-2004 |
telecommunications |
Magyar Telekom (korábban: Matáv) |
PeppeR |
Once again a health care institution will enjoy the support of the "Matáv adds" program, and the modern, essential life-saving equipment this will bring. This time it is the Baranya County Hospital's cardiology, surgery and internal medicine department that will receive a grant of two million Forints as part of Matáv's social commitment program. The donation was presented by Mr. Gyula Szabó, head of the "Matáv adds" today in Pécs to Dr. Zoltán Horváth director general of the hospital.
Schöpf-Mérei Ágost Hospital receives new medical equipment donated in the framework of the program "Matáv Gives Back" |
03-05-2004 |
telecommunications |
Magyar Telekom (korábban: Matáv) |
Pepper |
In spite of the fact that cervical cancer diagnosed in time can be cured, around six hundred women die in Hungary of this disease each year. As a result of the HUF 2.5 million donated under the corporate social responsibility program "Matáv Gives Back", Schöpf-Mérei Ágost Hospital received a video-colposcope, an instrument that identifies pathological changes with a high rate of certainty. |
European youth in the world of brands |
28-04-2004 |
market research |
Millward Brown |
PeppeR |
Millward Brown carried out a qualitative research in 10 European countries examining the lifesyle of young people aged between 18 and 25. The study found that this age group is very much influenced by consumption and brands. The youth is characterized by individualism, isolation and materialism. Their dreams revolve around financial independence and buying power while they fear not being able to fit into society.
Nationwide campaign against bedwetting in elementary schools |
16-04-2004 |
healthcare |
Dry Nights Foundation |
PeppeR |
According to surveys, in every elementary class there is at least one student suffering from bedwetting (enuresis nocturna). |
7th Hungarian CEO Closing News Bulletin |
03-04-2004 |
conference organisation |
PeppeR |
The 7th CEO Summit was opened by the presentation of Economical Research Institute (GKI) CEO László Akar entitled "The expected development of the Hungarian economy in 2003". GKI reports an expected national budget deficit of 4.6 percent. The prognosis for gross wage increase is approximately 7.8 percent, while inflation is expected to be 6.7 percent on average in 2004.
New online game to help education on bedwetting |
09-03-2004 |
healthcare |
Dry Nights Foundation |
PeppeR |
One of the most troublesome points in treating bedwetting is to gain the trust of affected children and their parents. Due to the shameful approach around this illness, from the 90 000 bedwetters only a few thousand children go to the doctor. The Good Night Game is an interactive online game for children and their parents on the website of the Dry Nights Foundation (www.enuresis.hu)
Matáv launches new corporate contributions program - "Matáv Adds" program reaches annual value of 200 million HUF |
03-03-2004 |
telecommunications |
Magyar Telekom (korábban: Matáv) |
PeppeR |
Matáv has integrated its corporate contribution and sponsorship programs. The aim of the exemplary initiative running under the name of "Matáv Adds" from March 2004 is for Matáv to channel its annual contribution of 200 million HUF to the civil sphere to those most in need of such support. The "Matáv Adds" program embraces four areas: the "Really important donations", the "Charitable numbers", the "Really important conversations" and the "Matáv employee adds".
Hungary based TARGET opens new office in Poland |
05-02-2004 |
HR services |
Target |
PeppeR |
TARGET Executive Search Group that started its operation in Hungary in 1994, opened its new office in Poland on 2 February 2004. The company providing headhunting and personnel consulting services to its mainly international clients, established offices in the past ten years in the capitals of Central European countries. Today TARGET provides headhunting services in Hungary, Slovakia, The Czech Republic, Romania and now also in Poland.
New Scholarships for Hungarians in USA |
13-01-2004 |
finance |
MAVA - Hungarian American Enterprise Fund |
PeppeR |
The Hungarian-American Enterprise Fund (HAEF) announced today the establishment of the Hungarian-American Enterprise Scholarship Fund to support sending Hungarians to the United States to advance their professional development
Flextronics: Industrial Parks were first visited by Ambassador of China |
15-12-2003 |
electronics |
Flextronics |
PeppeR |
Flextronics, the world leader electronic manufacturer is currently negotiating about the introduction of Chinese large corporations’ production in Hungary. Miklós Devecz, Director of Strategic Development and Governmental Relations at Flextronics told that present meetings aimed to deploy manufacturing activities of significant Chinese electronic firms in Hungary that primarily meant the completing of production of semi-finished products, and their distribution in Europe.
100.000s of lives saved |
05-12-2003 |
non-profit |
PeppeR |
During September and October several 10 000 calls had been registered on the 1788 Matáv Donation Line for UNICEF's Anti-tetanic Campaign. This means that Hungarian donators supported UNICEF's Vaccine Programme with 6 217 000 HUF, and helped 240 million young women to receive anti-tetanic vaccine all around the world.
Hewitt ranked highest among HR consulting companies in the US |
01-12-2003 |
HR services |
Hewitt Inside |
PeppeR |
American based Kennedy Information made an overall survey about HR Consulting firms based on the spending, preferences and perceptions of HR clients in the US. In parallel, another survey was made in Hungary on the same theme. The conclusion drawn in the case of the Kennedy report says that American managers seek more strategic thinking and services to be provided by HR consulting firms.
25th November: The Anti-Enuresis Day |
24-11-2003 |
healthcare |
Dry Nights Foundation |
PeppeR |
25th November is the day of Alexandrian Saint Catherine. It hasn’t been well-known that Saint Catherine is not only the patron of hospitals and patients but supporter of the bedwetters, as well.
Hiding patients or under-diagnosed illness? |
04-11-2003 |
healthcare |
Dry Nights Foundation |
PeppeR |
According to surveys, every sixth child who is suffering from bedwetting (enuresis nocturnal) visits a doctor - turned out on the international conference held on Monor (Pest County).
Vöslauer: growing consumption, growing reputation |
20-10-2003 |
food |
Vöslauer |
PeppeR |
Because of this year's hot and long summer period the mineral water consumption in Hungary was grown. The Hungarian Mineral Water Association estimated that the yearly consumption would grow to 60 litres/person. Of course it is far away from Austrian consumption (85-90 litres/person/year) but experts forecast the shortly equalization of difference.
UNICEF-gifts for 500 disadvantaged nurseries |
15-10-2003 |
non-profit |
PeppeR |
Thanks for the Change for the Small campaign organized by PeppeR for UNICEF, toy assortments of nearly 500 disadvantaged nurseries is being renewed, these weeks. As the result one of the most successful Hungarian charity-campaigns, with the introduction of Euro, 15 tons of changes were collected. From this amount of money, 32 million Forint went to the poorest nurseries that couldn’t afford to develop their book- or toy-assortment during previous years and received toy donations from UNICEF. The famous actress, Judit Halász, handed the first presents for the smalls ceremoniously at Jásztelek. Kids took possession of the beautiful new toys with fever of excitement.
Liquid compensation can be a critical factor |
09-10-2003 |
food |
Vöslauer |
PeppeR |
The compensation of water, electrolytes and mineral substance left through sweating during all kind of sport activities is very important/crucial. The name of Vöslauer is connected to healthy lifestyle and sport. At the beginning of the summer Vöslauer was the sponsor of beach volleyball, and in July it signed a long-term sponsorship contract with Eva Risztov, silver medallist swimmer at World Championship. The favourite mineral water of Austria is the official mineral water provider of the Vienna-Budapest Supermarathon starting on 19th October.
How do mobile and fixed line telephone complement each other? |
01-10-2003 |
telecommunications |
Magyar Telekom (korábban: Matáv) |
PeppeR |
PeppeR recently organised a round-table talk with experts about the future of the telecommunication sector. Aesthete Péter György, philosopher Kristóf Nyíri and head of market-analysis main department of Ministry of Informatics and Communications László Tóth approached this question from many interesting points of view. |
The HR leaders are unreliable regarding the branch's future |
15-09-2003 |
HR services |
Hewitt Inside |
PeppeR |
The HR leaders are unreliable regarding the branch’s future. Hewitt Consulting Company commissioned the Gfk Hungária Market Research Institute to make a research among big enterprises. The aim of the survey was to reveal the tendencies and habits of the priority of interior HR politics, and the demand of exterior HR services
Thousands of lives can be saved with the help of UNICEF's antitetanic campaign |
09-09-2003 |
non-profit |
PeppeR |
The danger of tetanus in our country as well as in the developed countries occur only when you have a rusty nail thorned in your finger and as a prevention you get an antitetanic vaccine. However there are many countries all around the world where the lives of the mother and her baby are in danger if the birth is not held among acceptable hygienic circumstances.
Flextronics acquires Microcell Group |
19-08-2003 |
electronics |
Flextronics |
PeppeR |
Flextronics signed an agreement to acquire Microcell Group (GSM Communications, the GPRS and EDGE) designer and manufacturer of ODM (Original Design Manufacturer), mobile communication appliances.
Flextronics has signed a cooperation contract with Budapest University of Technology and Economics |
12-06-2003 |
electronics |
Flextronics |
PeppeR |
Flextronics, that recently celebrated its 10th anniversary in Hungary, took a significant step on progressing by signing a long - term co-operation contract with the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. With this move Flextronics has engaged itself to Hungary again, and strengthened its strategy in which beside the operation of the Hungarian company seats, the added high-quality products and services play an important role.
Thousands of children cannot enjoy vacation because of bedwetting |
20-05-2003 |
healthcare |
Dry Nights Foundation |
PeppeR |
For nearly 90.000 children suffering from bedwetting the summer holiday is a problem. The "Száraz éjszakák, derűs nappalok" Foundation processes with the information campaign so that those children can also enjoy the summer.
Talent-management overseas and at home |
20-05-2003 |
HR services |
Hewitt Inside |
PeppeR |
"It is not enough to find talents but they have to be attended specially." This could be the overall conclusion of the survey that had been conducted in the United States by one the leading HR Consulting Companies called Hewitt Associates. Even in Hungary, it tends to become important to manage talents; according to the 59 % of HR experts their companies struggle with lack of talents, nevertheless, the concept-based talent-management is not characteristic.
e-HR - how IT effects HR practice? |
28-04-2003 |
HR services |
Hewitt Inside |
PeppeR |
From the internal communication to the recruitment and selection process, from the performance management to career building IT is present everywhere, as an effective and fast and reliable tool. Based on this fact Hewitt Inside started a unique survey, for finding the possibilities in human IT and the usage of the HR informatics solutions in the practice of Hungarian companies.
Flextronics has been in Hungary for ten years |
24-04-2003 |
electronics |
Flextronics |
PeppeR |
On the 24th April Flextronics celebrated the 10th anniversary of its operation in Hungary in the company of Mr. Péter Kiss, Minister, Head of Prime Minister’s Office in its first plant, in Tab. Flextronics has industrial parks in Nyíregyháza, Sárvár and Zalaegerszeg and a factory in Tab. Flextronics operations have changed significantly in the past ten years |
INSEAD: the number one business school outside of the United States |
13-03-2003 |
education |
Insead |
PeppeR |
A Financial Times nemrég nyilvánosságra hozott felmérése alapján az INSEAD MBA programja megerősítette helyét a világ vezető posztgraduális oktató intézményei között. A 2002-es évhez viszonyítva nem történt jelentős változás az első 10 helyezett között: az első 5 helyet elfoglaló amerikai intézmények mögött (Wharton, Harvard, Columbia, Stanford és Chicago) a rangos hatodik helyen szerepel az 1950-es években, Franciaországban alapított INSEAD.
Business knowledge flows to Budapest in June |
25-02-2003 |
education |
Insead |
PeppeR |
INSEAD, one of the world’s largest and most influential top-tier business school, will hold a professional programme in Central Europe for the first time. Taking place the 2-6 June in Budapest, the "Business-to-Business" (B2B) marketing strategy programme will allow mastering internationally acknowledged, latest methods of the field for managers from Hungary and the region.
Hewitt teleconference for better HR services |
07-02-2003 |
HR services |
Hewitt Inside |
PeppeR |
On the 7th February Hewitt Inside Consulting held an international teleconference, on which the participants met HR issues connected with company acquisitions, and their effective solutions. |
Is this the end of HR? |
24-01-2003 |
HR services |
Hewitt Inside |
PeppeR |
A few members of the profession foretell that the present maintaining structure of the so-called HR, i.e. the nowadays popular modern human resource management is near to its end and it should be redesigned from scratch. This topic was discussed on the conference where Dr. Zsolt Szelecki, managing director of Hewitt Inside, held an interactive lecture with the title "This is the end of HR".