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05-07-2013 Cobras and pythons
  "But where should the Belgians stand?" type of dilemma awaits those who want to analyze today's crisis situations. Classical crisis communication theory recognizes 2 types of crises. "Cobra" types appear suddenly, with practically no warning sign beforehand, while "Python" type crises emerge slowly, and eventually bring an unbearable and unmanageable situation. Easy to agree that earthquakes, volcano eruptions or the Chernobyl accident would fall under the category of sudden cobras, while the credit crisis or the ongoing saga of the 4th metro line in Budapest would belong to the slowly but steadily suffocating pythons. Sudden events can only be well handled if crisis management scenarios had been prepared and a clear crisis team setup exists with everyone knowing exactly what they need to do. If only improvisation remains, a strong chance of failure prevails at least on a short term.....

  source: PeppeRsauce | author: PeppeRsauce  
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