Liquid compensation can be a critical factor |
09-10-2003 |
food/Vöslauer |
source: PeppeR |
The compensation of water, electrolytes and mineral substance left through sweating during all kind of sport activities is very important/crucial. The name of Vöslauer is connected to healthy lifestyle and sport. At the beginning of the summer Vöslauer was the sponsor of beach volleyball, and in July it signed a long-term sponsorship contract with Eva Risztov, silver medallist swimmer at World Championship. The favourite mineral water of Austria is the official mineral water provider of the Vienna-Budapest Supermarathon starting on 19th October.
The favourite mineral water of Austria endeavours in Hungary Vöslauer mineral water that can be consumed in Hungary from spring is not only unique because its mineral substance, but its innovative manufacturing and packaging technology. Vöslauer makes an effort to become one of the leading foreign brandnames on the Hungarian mineral water market, after achieving the market leader role in Austria. Since spring, Vöslauer carried into effect its first commercial aims: it can be bought in nearly all of the market-chains, such as: Auchan, Interfruct, Interspar, Kaiser's, Provera (Cora, Match, Smatch), Tempo, Tesco; and in petrol stations like: Jet, Mol and ÖMV. Due to the long and extremely hot summer, Vöslauer was able to achieve great success in its first commercial quarter. Quantitive and qualitative liquid compensation The name of Vöslauer is connected to healthy lifestyle and sport since normal liquid compensation is one of the base conditions of healthy lifestyle. Due to Vöslauer mineral water's less natrium content and balanced mineral substance, it is suitable for babies and adults, hobby sportmen and professionals. The researches of Vöslauer show interesting correlations in connection with sporting and liquid compensation. For example the fact that during one hour of active sporting, the human body loses 1 or even more liter of liquid. Physiological researches prove that human body with 2% of weight-loss (an average, 70 kg man loses approximately 1,4 liter liquid after one hour activity) effects ability with 20 % loss/decline. These datas gain more importance on the Vienna-Budapest Supermarathon, with its unique and challenging distance: 352 km. All along the route of this competition, Vöslauer refresher spots will provide the background for the runners to achieve their best. Special content, special design Beside the content of the mineral water bottles, Vöslauer would like to pay attention on packaging, to reflect the company’s man-centeredness, and innovative attitude. In Hungary, Vöslauer mineral water appeared in shops in 0,5 liter, 1,5 liter sparkling and still forms, as well as in the unique 0,75 liter sport bottles, only in still form. Vöslauer has patented a solution for 6-packed 1,5 liter PET bottles. It is a special, convenient, expansed hanger that helps easy carrying. The engineers of the Austrian company solved the opening problem of bottles. Vöslauer has a patented invention, an easy-open lid with which to open a bottle can not be a problem any more. For avoiding sportsmen’s achievement loss and to provide a continual liquid compensation, Völsauer has developed a 0,75 liter bottle with sportlid. Since it contains only still water it is suitable for running, biking, or even for seating fitness activities.