The BSA has unaltered intentions to ensure that its website plays a key role in increasing awareness of the dangers of using illegal software. In this respect, the website has preserved its double approach. On the one hand, the everyday practical tools assisting rational and legal software use are available in Hungarian and can be downloaded from the Hungarian pages. Such tools are, for instance, the software registration sample data sheet that is officially approved by the Hungarian Tax Authority (APEH), a sample statement for employees, the software code of ethics or the software diagnostic tools that assess the status of the software in stock at one's own company. At the same time, the website makes available, in the form of links - all the background material, research and informative material, some in Hungarian and some in English, - that facilitate a comprehensive understanding of the legal, business and technical aspects of software management.
About BSA
The Business Software Alliance ( is the foremost organisation dedicated to promoting a safe and legal digital world. BSA is the voice of the world's commercial software industry and its hardware partners before governments and in the international marketplace. Its members represent one of the fastest growing industries in the world. BSA programmes foster technology innovation through education and policy initiatives that promote copyright protection, cyber security, trade and e-commerce. BSA members include: Adobe, Altium, Apple, Attachmate, Autodesk, Avid, Babylon, Bentley Systems, CNC, Corel, CyberLink, Dassault Systèmes SolidWorks Corporation, Famatech, FrontRange Solutions, LINKService, Mamut, Materialise Software, Microsoft, Mindjet, Monotype Imaging, O&O Software, Quark, Quest Software, Ringler-Informatik, Scalable Software, Siemens, Staff & Line, Symantec, Tekla, and The MathWorks.