In 2005 42% of software installed on PCs in Hungary were illegal, which has resulted in damage of $106 million (22,2 billion Hungarian Forints) to the industry. The 2% drop followed a similar rise a year before, therefore last year's figure matches that of 2003. Taking into account that both the global and the Western European average is 35%, still a lot needs to be done by both the market players and the government.
The decrease in Hungary is due to a number of factors. The BigVisIT program launched in October 2005 plays an important role. The program allows representatives of BSA visit companies and inform company management about the elements of legal and rational software management. The close to 250 visits proved that the majority of the firms would be ready to follow the legal way, however, they claim not to have all the information about software management.
Last year the Hungarian police found over 37.000 cases of violation of copyright issues affecting a range of industries. On the occasion of the international intellectual property day copyright organizations drew public attention to the damage of over 100 billion Hungarian Forints caused to the industries as well as the society and economy in general. In order to further reduce the piracy rate BSA continues its BigVisIT program, runs it website and its newsletter as well as creates various opportunities to inform other organizations, government bodies as well as the wider public about various aspects of legal software usage.